Tuesday 8 October 2013

Read the whole Caecilius Rex Detective Series for FREE (including my new novella THE FACE!)

To celebrate the release of Caecilius Rex Volume 3: The Face, I have entered all 3 novellas so far into the Making Connections ARR Program at Goodreads. This means that so long as you agree to review the novellas, you can get your hands on a totally FREE copy of ALL 3 of them to enjoy the story of Cae and Kendra so far (the final book will be released early next year). 

Here's where to request them:

Remember to join the Goodreads group before you request! There's also loads of other great books there that you can read for free in exchange for reviews!

Also here's the info for the latest instalment in the series - reading all 3 will now give you 99,000 words of mysterious criminal adventure!

The Face: Synopsis

Continue your journey with detective Caecilius Rex following the events of The Atomic Circus and Counterclockwise!

In the wake of some startling discoveries about those closest to him, the life of young detective Caecilius Rex is about to get a whole lot more complicated. The dark, criminal world around Cae and Kendra is rapidly converging on them, putting them in danger once more and threatening to tear them apart.

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